The awesome Kristin S. from Clarks Summit recently emailed us with a reference to Scranton in the film My Father The Hero, the 1994 comedy starring French actor Gerard Depardieu, Lauren Hutton, and a 16 year-old pre-Gray's Anatomy Katherine Heigl.
In the film, Katherine Heigl plays Nicole, a teen on vacation in the Bahamas with her divorced father (Depardieu). Desperate to appear as a woman and not a girl, Nicole tries to impress a potential boyfriend by telling him her father is actually her much older lover. Bizarrely, her father goes along with the story, even as it becomes more elaborate and quickly spirals out of control.
Kristin S. tells me that, when Nicole and her father first arrive in the Bahamas, they are accosted by two annoying couples dressed like stereotypical tourists who say, "We're from Scranton. Scranton, Pennsylvania."
My Father The Hero is available on VHS from the Lackawanna County Library System. To place a hold, click here.
Much thanks again to Kristin S. for the reference.