Are any blog readers out there aware of any other major concert tours launched in Wilkes-Barre, PA or Scranton, PA? If you know of any others, please email me.
This purpose of this blog is to put together a virtual list/collection of memorable (if fleeting) references to the cities of Wilkes-Barre, PA or Scranton, PA in movies/TV/music/Broadway/books (in the script, setting, lyrics, etc). We'd like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support and suggestions for the Entertainment blog. I'll continue adding these as blog entries as time permits.
The presentation will be filmed as part of the Pennsylvania Humanities Council's series Humanities on the Road (the program will NOT be broadcasted live; it will be aired on Pennsylvania Cable Network (PCN) at a later date TBA).
John Updike, Pulitzer Prize winner and prolific man of letters was an attentive observer of the dramas of life in small town America. Born and bred in
An Updike fanatic, Frank Fitzpatrick has read all of Updike’s work and contributed
Tickets will be avilable at the Circulation Desk shortly.
I read this book many times over. I think I got it off my parents’ “reject” bookshelf in the garage. I don’t think it is a towering literary achievement but it was a good read, “inspiring.”
Can you help me remember this book?"
Does anyone out there have an idea what this particular book was titled? If so, please email me at bcronauer@albright.org and let's give Kathy an answer. Thanks :-)